Progressive Web Apps


Your Trainer

Marko Knöbl

  • based in Vienna
  • former math teacher
  • programming topics:
    • JavaScript, TypeScript and React
    • Python, data science

Introduction of Participants

  • current projects
  • prior knowledge
  • expectations


  • duration
  • breaks
  • lunch
  • materials
  • questions, feedback?


Code available at:


Topics - basics

  • VS Code, Chrome developer tools
  • modern JavaScript
  • promises
  • web workers


  • web manifest file
  • service workers
    • workbox
    • writing service workers
  • data storage
    • localStorage
    • indexedDB
  • notifications and push notifications

Basics for the course

Basics for the course (example: todo-app)

  • Working with VS Code & Chrome
    • Prettier
    • Chrome Dev Tools
  • ES2015+
    • Modules
    • Arrow functions
    • const & let
  • running a local dev server

Arbeiten mit VS Code

VS Code Basics and Plugins

local HTTP server

npm package http-server

npm install -g http-server

PWA Basics

PWA Basics

  • bridge between web and apps
  • work in the browser, on mobile and on the desktop
  • web apps that feel like native apps:
    • app icon in the menu (web manifest)
    • permanent installation and offline use (service workers)
    • displaying notifications (service workers)
    • local app data storage (localstorage, indexedDB)

Browser support

Service workers:

Web app manifest:



  • wiki offline
  • telegram
  • paper planes

Chrome audit

developer tools - audits

Service worker basics

Service workers - motivation

Service workers are at the core of PWAs. They are a client-side proxy between the web browser and the server.

Main use case: offline / faster usage of web apps (replaces the deprecated AppCache functionality)

Service workers - example use cases

  • game: on first load all required resources are downloaded and will be available offline
  • chat app: The avatars of all friends are stored in a cache; they are updated daily
  • wikipedia app: the last 30 visited articles are cached
  • news app: The landing page should be cached and be available immediately on opening the app; afterwards it is updated if possible

Service workers - basic concept

traditional web app:

app ⟺ web server


app ⟺ service worker ⟺ web server

Service workers - basic concept

service woroker = script (web worker) that runs in the background


  • caching resources
  • background sync
  • push notifications (even when the app is closed)

Registering a service worker

We call .register() and provide the location of the service worker script

// main.js
// serviceWorker.js
console.log('this is the service worker');

Inspecting service workers in the browser tools

Chrome: developer tools (F12) âž¡ Application âž¡ Service Workers

Firefox: go to about:debugging âž¡ this Firefox âž¡ Service Workers

Service workers with workbox

Service workers with workbox

Workbox = Library which simplifies writing service workers

Workbox example

Including a service worker which will cache responses and use them as a fallback if they are not reachable:

// service-worker.js
  '' +

  new RegExp('.*'),
  new workbox.strategies.NetworkFirst()

Workbox example

We can inspect the effects of using this service worker in the Chrome developer tools under Application/Service Workers and Application/Cache Storage

Web App Manifest

Web App Manifest

The web app manifest is a json file that provides information on a web app.

Providing a manifest file can enable installation of a PWA.

Manifest file

include it via:

<link rel="manifest" href="manifest.json" />

Manifest file

  "name": "Todo",
  "short_name": "Todo",
  "start_url": ".",
  "display": "standalone",
  "icons": [
      "src": "images/icon-32.png",
      "sizes": "32x32",
      "type": "image/png"

Manifest file - entries

Manifest file - entries

crucial entries for Chrome:

  • name
  • short_name
  • start_url
  • icons - used in the menu, in the splash screen; for Chrome we should provide square icons of sizes: 144, 192, 512
  • display: fullscreen / standalone / minimal-ui / browser

Manifest file - entries

  • background_color - should be the same as the app's CSS background color
  • description
  • orientation:
    • any
    • natural
    • landscape (landscape-primary, landscape-secondary)
    • portrait (portrait-primary, portrait-secondary)
  • theme_color:

Meta tags in HTML

These meta tags are helpful in the browser:

  • in Chrome: Android window color: <meta name="theme-color" content="..." /> - this should be the same as theme_color in the manifest
  • on iOS: <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> - this hides the browser UI

app installation

app installation

Browsers may offer the ability to add entries to the device's start menu / to the homescreen

app installation on Chrome and iOS

In iOS users can add any website to the phone's menu. The mechanism for PWAs is the same.

On Chrome PWAs may prompt the user to be installed. Installed PWAs will behave differently from websites - e.g. they will be displayed in a standalone window.

app install prompt

App install prompt on Chrome:

app install prompt

requirements to show the prompt:

  • manifest file includes:
    • short_name or name
    • 192px and 512px icons
    • start_url
    • display must be one of fullscreen, standalone, minimal-ui
  • served via HTTPS
  • has a service worker (with a fetch event handler)
  • user has interacted with the domain to some extent

app install prompt

once all the requirements are met, a beforeinstallprompt event will fire; we can listen for this event and store it for later use

let installPromptEvent;

  (ipEvent) => {
    // the browser is ready to show the install prompt
    installPromptEvent = ipEvent;

app install prompt

Once the user wants to install the app, we can use the stored event:

installBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
  // Show the prompt


hosting options for testing a deployment:

Service workers

Service workers

Service workers are client-side proxies between the web browser and the server.

Service workers can cache resources and retrieve them from either the network or the internal cache.

Service workers

Service workers are special web workers:

  • no direct access to the DOM
  • communication with the main thread happens via postMessage

Browser support


support for service workers ⇒ support for ES2015

Service workers - related technologies

  • fetch (Sending network requests)
  • cache (Caching network requests)

Service worker strategies

Service workers - strategies

When deciding on a strategy there are different goals to consider:

  • serve content as fast as possible
  • serve content which is up-to-date
  • save on network data usage
  • save on cache size

Service workers - strategies

for each resource associated with our web app we should ask ourselves:

  • should we download and cache this resource when the user first visits our page?
  • if this resource is requested, should we retrieve it from the cache or from the network?
  • should we fall back to the other option if this fails?
  • if we serve from the cache, should we try to update it in the background?

key questions:

  • for any requested resource, do we serve it from the cache, from the network or a combination?
  • which resources do we cache and when do we cache them?

Service workers - strategies

asset retrieval:

  • always from the network
  • always from the cache
  • network, falling back to cache
  • cache, falling back to network
  • cache, updating the cache from the network in the background
  • cache, fetching new resource in the background and displaying once received

Service workers - strategies

caching strategies:

  • cache when new data arrives
  • precache on install
  • precache on user interaction

(we can combine these strategies)

Service workers - strategies

See the offline cookbook

Workbox in detail

Service worker strategies

Workbox has built-in support for several service worker strategies

Service worker strategies

asset retrieval:

  • NetworkOnly
  • CacheOnly
  • NetowrkFirst (cache as fallback)
  • CacheFirst (network as fallback)
  • StaleWhileRevalidate (load from cache, which is updated in the background)

Service worker strategies


  • precache on install, always serve this version: precacheAndRoute
  • precache on user interaction: use fetch and the below
  • cache whenever data arrives: automatic with NetworkFirst, CacheFirst, StaleWhileRevalidate


  new RegExp('/static/.*'),
  new workbox.strategies.CacheFirst()

  new workbox.strategies.NetworkFirst()


  • expiration plugin (maxEntries, maxAgeSeconds)




Workbox CLI: Tool for simplifying precaching in particular

workbox wizard --injectManifest

code lab

~45 min

(update version of "workbox-cli" in package.json - older versions will fail on Windows)


Turn one of these apps into a PWA and use various caching strategies:

bonus (with build)

Asynchronous JavaScript

Asynchronous JavaScript

see presentation Javascript: async and network requests

Web workers

Web workers

  • enable running a script in the background (in a separate thread)
  • can be used to run expensive computations - don't block user interaction

Web workers

creating a worker

const worker = new Worker('worker.js');

Web workers

listening for messages from the worker

worker.onmessage = function(message) {

Web workers

passing some task to a worker


Web workers

inside the worker:

onmessage = function(message) {
  const result = longComputation(message);

Web workers

When passing data to and from web workers: Data are copied and passed as "plain" JavaScript Objects

Web workers

Exercise: Fibonacci

function fib(n) {
  if (n <= 2) {
    return 1;
  return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);

Cache overview

Cache overview

= "a request to response map"

Cache Types

We can cache resources from both the current domain and other domains;

We can distinguish three types:

  • basic (current domain)
  • cors (other domain, CORS is enabled)
  • opaque (other domain, CORS not enabled) - data is not readable from JavaScript

Example: see the stock app examples in the Chrome devtools

Service worker setup

Service worker lifecycle

  • register
  • install
  • activate
  • (unregister)

Registering a service worker

Any time the page is loaded we call navigator.serviceWorker.register and pass in the URL for the service worker.
If the service worker file is new or has changed it will be installed.

Registering a service worker

window.addEventListener('load', () => {
  // registration can be deferred until
  // completion of page load
  if (navigator.serviceWorker) {
      .then(registration => {
        // is executed if there is a *new* sw file
          `SW registered for ${registration.scope}`
      .catch(/* reg failed */);

Service worker scope

By default a service worker will control all requests that lie within its "directory" on the server.


The SW will control requests to /css/default.css, but not to /index.html.

We can narrow down a service worker to only work on a subpath:

navigator.serviceWorker.register('/css/serviceworker.js', {
  scope: '/css/xyz/

Service worker installation

The service worker's install event occurs when there is a new service worker file:

  • first page visit
  • the service worker file has changed

Good opportunity for downloading and caching resources for later use

Service worker installaion

self.addEventListener('install', event => {

Service worker activation

If there was no previous version of the service worker, it activates immediately

If there was a previous version, it activates on "restart" (when all corresponding tabs have been closed)

Good opportunity for cleaning up unneeded cached files

Service worker activation

self.addEventListener('activate', event => {

Service worker activation

We can force immediate activation of a new service worker from the install event:

self.addEventListener('install', event => {

Uninstalling a service worker

Uninstalling all service workers for this domain:

  .then(function(registrations) {
    for (let registration of registrations) {

Service workers: using fetch

The function fetch()

// this code can be executed in the
// browser console for any website
const url = '/';

  .then(response => response.text())

Service workers: handling fetch

self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {
    new Response('All pages look like this')

Service workers: handling fetch

Exercise: We can build a small local website with pages like /home, /about, ...

Service workers: handling fetch

self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {
  if (new RegExp('/about/$ ').test(event.request.url)) {
    event.respondWith(new Response('About'));
  } else if (new RegExp('/a$ ').test(event.request.url)) {
    event.respondWith(new Response('Home'));
  } else {
    event.respondWith(new Response('404'));

Service workers: handling fetch

Exercise: logging all network requests and passing the work on to fetch

Service workers: handling fetch

self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {
  return fetch(event.request);

Service workers with fetch and cache

Service workers with fetch and cache

core associated technologies:

  • fetch (sending network requests)
  • cache (caching results)


= "a request to response map"

Accessing caches

Via the global variable or via in the service worker


let myCache;'test', mc => {
  myCache = mc;


cache methods:

  • myCache.add(request)
  • myCache.addAll(requests)
  • myCache.put(request, response)
  • myCache.delete(request)
  • myCache.match(request)
  • myCache.matchAll(requests)

The request can be either a string or a Request object.

Cache - add(All)

We provide a URL; the resource will be automatically requested and stored


cache.addAll(['/', '/index.html', '/main.js']);

Cache - put

Can be used if we already have the response

fetch('myurl').then(response => {
  cache.put('myurl', response.clone());
  cache.put('otherurl', response);

Cache - delete


Cache - match

Retrieve an entry from the cache that matches a request

// returns a response or undefined
const content = cache.match('myurl');

Example: cache only (short)

An application that will precache resources and always provide them to the user

self.addEventListener('install', () => {
  cache.addAll(['/', '/index.html', '/about'])

self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {

Example: cache only (full code)

self.addEventListener('install', installEvent => {
  // wait for the cache to be populated;
  // abort install on error
  installEvent.waitUntil('app-shell-cache-v3').then(cache => {
      return cache.addAll(['/', '/index.html', '/about']);
  // optional - don't abort install on error'app-shell-cache-v3').then(cache => {

Example: cache only - waitUntil

A call to waitUntil can be used to signify when the install was successfull - the service worker will only activate if it was

Example: updating the cache

deleting old entries:

self.addEventListener('activate', activateEvent => {

Example: retrieve from cache with network fallback

self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {
      .then(response => response || fetch(event.request))

Example: updating the cache on every request

self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {
    fetch(event.request).then(response => {
      cache.put(event.request, response.clone());
      return response;

example: network - falling back to cache - falling back to default asset (e.g. user avatar)

exercise: scripting the service worker

The offline cookbook

Data storage

localStorage and indexedDB


  • localStorage: simple key-value-store with string values
  • indexedDB: "real database"



localStorage is a simple key-value-store in the browser; both keys and values are strings

The browser stores data separately for each domain


important methods:

  • localStorage.setItem('name', 'John')
  • localStorage.getItem('name')
  • localStorage.removeItem('name')


storing and retrieving some data

const todoString = JSON.stringify(todos);
localStorage.setItem('todos', todoString);
const todoString = localStorage.getItem('todos');
todos = JSON.parse(todoString);



indexedDB is a "real" database

advantages over localStorage:

  • non-blocking
  • faster (queries via indexes)
  • separation of data into "tables" (stores)
  • supports various data types

disadvantage: more complicated interface

indexedDB interfaces

  • idb
  • dexie
  • localForage

indexedDB promised (idb)

library that enables using indexedDB with Promises

CDN link:

idb basics

idb basics: open & upgrade

creates / opens a database; returns a promise, version, upgradeCallback);

idb basics: open & upgrade

const upgradeCallback = upgradeDb => {
  if (!upgradeDb.objectStoreNames.contains('todos')) {
    upgradeDb.createObjectStore('todos', {
      autoIncrement: true,
      keyPath: 'key',

const dbPromise ='todo-db', 1, upgradeCallback);

idb basics: open & upgrade

The last argument (upgradeCallback) can be used to migrate to a new database schema; it can be used to create, delete or change stores

The callback is called any time the version number increases

idb basics: keys

Each element in the object store has a unique key (~id)

The key can be an entry in the element or a separate value

idb basics: keys

numeric id:

upgradeDb.createObjectStore('todos', {
  autoIncrement: true,

idb basics: keys

numeric id stored in the object

upgradeDb.createObjectStore('todos', {
  autoIncrement: true,
  keyPath: 'key

idb basics: keys

use an entry in the objects as key

upgradeDb.createObjectStore('users', {
  keyPath: 'email',


transaction = group of operations on the database (reading, adding, writing, ...)



  1. get the database object (
  2. open a transaction on one or more stores (two modes: readonly (default) or readwrite)
  3. open the object store
  4. operate on the object store


getting the database object:

let db;'todo-db', 1).then(openedDb => {
  db = openedDb;


adding data

const transaction = db.transaction(['todos'], 'readwrite');
const todoStore = transaction.objectStore('todos');
todoStore.add({ text: 'groceries', done: false });


overwriting data (put)

const transaction = db.transaction(['todos'], 'readwrite');
const todoStore = transaction.objectStore('todos');
// ersetze den Eintrag mit index 1
todoStore.put({ text: 'groceris', done: true, key: 1 });


deleting data

const transaction = db.transaction(['todos'], 'readwrite');
const todoStore = transaction.objectStore('todos');


reading data (getAll)

const transaction = db.transaction(['artists'], 'readonly');
const artistsStore = transaction.objectStore('artists');


reading data by its key

const transaction = db.transaction(['artists'], 'readonly');
const artistsStore = transaction.objectStore('artists');


reading data via indexes

Entries in a database are basically stored sorted by their key.

This means it's fast to search for a specific key in the database

Example: In a phone book looking for a last name is fast, but looking for a first name or for a phone number is slow


In order to quickly look up by something other than the primary key: additional index

const store = upgradeDb.createObjectStore('contacts');
store.createIndex('email', 'email', { unique: true });
store.createIndex('firstName', 'firstName');
store.createIndex('name', ['lastName', 'firstName']);


const nameIndex = objectStore.index('name');
nameIndex.get(['Andy', 'Jones']).then(...)




Notification enable displaying messages outside of the app / browser (OS notifications)

Requesting permission

let notificationsAllowed;

Notification.requestPermission().then(result => {
  if (result === 'granted') {
    notificationsAllowed = true;

This can be tried in the browser console when any web page is open

Showing notifications

if (Notification.permission === 'granted') {
  new Notification('Hello world');

Notification options

new Notification('cloudy', {
  body: 'The weather in Vienna is cloudy',
  icon: 'static/images/cloudy.png',
  vibrate: [100, 50, 100],


Notifications from the service worker

Notifications from the service worker

The notifications we've seen so far originated from one particular browser window. Notifications can also be displayed from the service worker. These notifications will be more capable than the ones we've encountered so far. In particular:

  • Notifications from service workers can provide interactions (Chrome only for now)
  • Notifications from service workers can be shown when the app / website isn't open

Accessing the service worker registration

let serviceWorkerRegistration = null;

  .then(registration => {
    serviceWorkerRegistration = registration;

Notifications via the service worker

serviceWorkerRegistration.showNotification('cloudy', {
  body: 'The weather in Vienna is cloudy',
  icon: 'static/images/cloudy.png',
  vibrate: [100, 50, 100],
  // new option available:
  actions: [
    { action: 'close', title: 'Close' },
    { action: 'details', title: 'Details' },

listening for notification actions

two events in the service worker:

  • notificationclick
  • notificationclose

Exercises (labs)


Removing the service worker in Firefox: about:debugging -> worker

Push notifications

Push notifications

  • possibility to send messages to a PWA from a server
  • works even if the app is not currently running (on the desktop at least one browser instance has to be running)

Push notifications - basics

push service browser application server message & authentication message best viewed in Firefox

Push notifications - basics

Push notifications can be sent to a user via the browser vendor (Google, Mozilla, ...). It works via endpoint URLs like these:


Push notifications - process

push service browser application server (1) auth request (2) auth data (3) auth data best viewed in Firefox

Push notifications - process

  • user visits a web app, enables notifications
  • the web app communicates with the browser vendor (Google, Mozilla, ...); the vendor creates a unique enpoint URL and a public key for encryption and shares them with the browser
    The endpoint URL could look like this:
  • the web app shares the endpoint URL and public key with the backend
  • from the backend, we can now send data to the endpoint URL, encrypted withe the public key. It will be received by the user's service worker

Push notifications - enabling on the client

    userVisibleOnly: true,
  .then((subscription) => {
    // could be:

Push notifications - getting the current subscription

  .then((subsription) => {
    if (subscription !== undefined) {
      // send the subscription object to our server

Push notifications - the subscription object

Once we obtain this subscription object on the server we can send push messages to the client

  "endpoint": "",
  "keys": {
    "auth": "5I2BuN...",
    "p256dh": "BLc45n..."

Push Notifications - server

in node.js:

const webPush = require('web-push');

const subscripton = {
  endpoint: '...',
  keys: { auth: '...', p256dh: '...' },

webPush.sendNotification(subscription, 'Hello world!');

Push Notifications on Chrome

Push notifications for Chrome are sent via Firebase Cloud Messaging (formerly: Google Cloud Messaging); in order to develop an application that receives push notifications on Chrome we need a firebase account and API key

webPush.sendNotification(subscription, 'Hello world!', {
  gcmAPIKey: '....',

Push messages without notifications

When a push notification arrives via the network the app can react in various ways

Displaying notifications is common but not required by the spec

Chrome currently requires displaying a notification; Firefox has a limit on how many messages can be received without showing notifications

Push Notifications Lab


App Stores

App Stores

Publishing PWAs in App Stores

PWAs in the Google Play Store

As of February 2019:

TWA = Trusted Web Activity = method of publishing a PWA on the Play Store

PWAs in the Microsoft Store


PWAs in other stores

PWAs (or HTML apps in general) can be packaged for various stores even if those stores don't natively support PWAs:
