Machine learning: theory


  • overview of methods
  • libraries
  • overview of machine learning
  • algorithms for supervised learning
  • preparing training data
  • training a model
  • validating a model

Overview of methods

Overview of methods

  • supervised learning
    • regression
    • classification
  • unsupervised learning
    • clustering
    • dimensionality reduction / compression
  • reinforcement learning
    • optimization


Assigning numeric values to numeric input data


  • estimation of distance of galaxy based on its redshift
  • prediction of stock price based on economic data


Assigning labels to numeric input data


  • classification as spam based occurences of words / phrases
  • recognition of objects / persons / symbols in images
  • diagnosis of illnesses based on symptoms / medical test data


Recognizing groups / clusters in input data


  • recognizing reoccuring elements in computer vision

Dimensionality reduction

mapping points in n-dimensional space to points in m-dimensional space (m << n, mapping is mostly reversible)

Reinforcement learning

Optimization of strategies within a simulation


  • simulating the progression of an illness, find the best treatment strategy

Example datasets and tasks

Example datasets

Possible tasks

  • image data: e.g. facial recognition, handwriting recognition
  • text data: e.g. sentiment analysis
  • speech data: e.g. speech recognition

Commonly-used datasets



Python libraries for machine learning:

  • scikit-learn
  • keras
  • pytorch



  • supports many different classes of algorithms (including very basic neural networks)
  • based on NumPy


  • implements neural networks
  • based on the TensorFlow library
  • can run on the GPU or TPU (tensor processing unit)


  • implements neural networks
  • low-level

Supervised learning procedure

Supervised learning procedure


  • collect and prepare training data (input data and associated output data)
  • train a model based on the input and output (can take time)
  • validate the model's accuracy
  • use the model to predict outputs for new data

Supervised learning procedure

in scikit-learn:

  • create an input matrix (commonly x or X) and a target vector / matrix (commonly y or Y)
  • instantiate an algorithm class - e.g. KNeighborsClassifier, MLPClassifier, LinearRegression, ...
  • "learn" via, y)
  • validate via model.score(x_val, y_val) or metrics.accuracy_score(x_val, y_val), ...
  • predict more results via model.predict(...) or model.predict_proba(...)

Supervised learning procedure

in keras:

  • create an input array (commonly x) and a target array (commonly y)
  • build a model from various layers (e.g. preprocessing layers, neural layers, ...)
  • compile via model.compile() and "learn" via, y)
  • validate via model.evaluate(x_val, y_val)
  • predict more results via model.predict(...)

Iris dataset

Iris dataset

Iris dataset: simple example dataset for machine learning / data science

contains measurements of 150 iris plants: 3 different species with 50 samples each

Iris dataset

properties in the dataset:

  • sepal length
  • sepal width
  • petal length
  • petal width
  • species name

Iris dataset

example CSV data from


Example: Iris classification

Example: Iris classification

Task: Train an algorithm to classify iris plants based on their measurements

Getting data

# load data via pandas
iris = pd.read_csv(
    "" +
    names=["sepal_length", "sepal_width", "petal_length",
           "petal_width", "species"]

Preparing data

iris_shuffled = iris.sample(frac=1.0)

# convert to numerical numpy arrays
measurements = iris_shuffled[[
species = (
        "Iris-setosa": 0,
        "Iris-versicolor": 1,
        "Iris-virginica": 2,

Creating a model in scikit-learn

from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier

model = KNeighborsClassifier()

Creating a model in keras

from tensorflow import keras

model = keras.Sequential([

Creating a model via NumPy

class NearestNeighborClassifier():
    def fit(self, x, y):
        # In a "real" machine learning algorithm,
        #   a lot of processing could happen here.
        # In this case we're just storing the training data.
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

    def predict_single(self, x):
        vectors = self.x - x
        distances = np.linalg.norm(vectors, axis=1)
        min_index = np.argmin(distances)
        return self.y[min_index]

model = NearestNeighborClassifier()

Training the model

Training based on the first 130 entries:

in scikit-learn:[:130], species[:130])

in keras:

Using the model

Applying classification to new data (in scikit-learn):

demo_measurements = np.array([
    [5.3, 3.4, 1.9, 0.6],
    [6.0, 3.0, 4.7, 1.5],
    [6.5, 3.1, 5.0, 1.7]

# e.g. [0, 1, 1] in scikit-learn

# [[0.9 0.1 0. ]
#  [0.  0.8 0.2]
#  [0.  0.7 0.3]]

Evaluating the model

measurements_val = measurements[130:]
species_val = species[130:]

in scikit-learn (accuracy):

print(model.score(measurements_val, species_val))

in keras (categorical crossentropy, accuracy):

print(model.evaluate(measurements_val, species_val))

Algorithms for supervised learning

Algorithms for supervised learning


  • neural networks
  • linear regression, polynomial regression, ...


  • neural networks
  • k-nearest-neighbors
  • decision trees
  • logistic regression
  • naive Bayes
  • support vector machines

Linear regression

Linear regression

Linear regression: a linear function is fitted to given data points (usually via least squares)

Linear regression

Example: various purchases in different supermarkets:

  • 1 l of milk, 1 kg of bread: 5.00€
  • 2 l of milk, 3 kg of bread: 13.50€
  • 3 l of milk, 2 kg of bread: 10.90€
  • (0 l of milk, 0 kg of bread: 0€)

task: estimate prices of:

  • 1 l of milk
  • 1 kg of bread
  • 2 l of milk and 2 kg of bread

This may be solved via regression

Linear regression

input data:

1, 1 → 5.00
2, 3 → 13.50
3, 2 → 10.90
0, 0 → 0.00

result of a linear regression:

price = 0.05 + 1.13*x + 3.73*y

Neural networks

Neural networks

Machine learning strategy that vaguely resembles how neurons in the brain interact

Neural networks

diagram of a neural network with two inputs, five intermediate neurons and one output (source: Dake, Mysid via Wikimedia Commons / CC BY)


model of a single neuron with multiple inputs and one output

Activation functions

  • ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit)
  • Softmax - often used in the last layer for classification
  • Sigmoid - often used in the last layer for "tagging" (tags may overlap)



Classification algorithms

Classification algorithms

  • neural networks
  • k-nearest-neighbors
  • decision trees
  • logistic regression
  • naive Bayes
  • support vector machines


classification algorithm that assigns a class to a data point by looking at similar data points with a known classification

Decision trees

Example decision tree for iris classification:

  • is the petal length less than 2.5?
    • yes: setosa
    • no: is the petal width less than 1.8?
      • yes: is the petal length smaller than 5.1?
        • yes: versicolor
        • no: virginica
      • no: virginica

Logistic regression

At the boundary of two classes a logistic function is used to determine how likely it is that the data point belongs to the one or the other class

The logisitic function itself is determined via regression (hence the name)

Naive Bayes

Data points are assumed to be part of a specific probability distribution; these distributions are derived from the training data.

For a new data point, the algorithm determines under which of the distributions it would most likely occur.

two important distributions:

  • normal distribution (continuous values)
  • multinomial distribution (discrete values)

Support vector machines

Simplest case: separation of classes via lines / planes / hyperplanes - these separators should have maximum distance from the separated points

Borders may take different shapes by using kernel functions - e.g. conic sections or other curves

Classification algorithms

overview of classification algorithms in scikit-learn

Example: iris classification with various algorithms

Example: iris classification with various algorithms

task: use other classifiers, e.g.:

  • sklearn.tree.DecisionTreeClassifier
  • sklearn.svm.SVC
  • sklearn.naive_bayes.GaussianNB
  • sklearn.neural_network.MLPClassifier

Preparing data

Preparing data

desired data format for machine learning algorithms:

  • x or X: array with numeric input data (2-dimensional for scikit-learn, can be higher-dimensional for keras)
  • y or Y: one- or two-dimensional array with numeric results

Preparing data


  • flattening nested arrays
  • scaling values
  • handling missing data
  • encoding categorical data as numerical data
  • encoding text data as numerical data

Scaling values

Which of these stars is more similar to the sun?

# data: radius (km), mass (kg), temperature (K)
sun =    [7.0e7, 2.0e30, 5.8e3]

star_a = [6.5e7, 2.2e30, 5.2e3]
star_b = [7.0e8, 2.1e30, 8.1e3]

some machine learning algorithms (like k-Nearest-Neighbors) use absolute values.

Here the algorithm would only take into account the mass as all other values are tiny in comparison

Scaling values

Solution: Before applying an algorithm, the values are centered and scaled (e.g. so their mean is 0 and the standard deviation is 1)

Missing data

Missing data will often appear as NaNs

possible handling:

  • deleting any rows that contain undefined values somewhere
  • interpolating missing values by other values

Categories as data

input or output data may be categorical data - e.g. country, occupation, measuring method

example input data:

[["fr", "chrome"], ["uk", "chrome"], ["us", "firefox"]]

desired result: encoding as numeric values

Categories as data

input data:

[["fr", "chrome"], ["uk", "chrome"], ["us", "firefox"]]

encoding as ordinals (not appropriate for all algorithms, as there is an implicit order):

[[0., 0.], [1., 0.], [2., 1.]]

Categories as data

input data:

[["fr", "chrome"],
 ["uk", "chrome"],
 ["us", "firefox"]]


# fr?, uk?, us?, chrome?, firefox?
[[1., 0., 0., 1., 0.],
 [0., 1., 0., 1., 0.],
 [0., 0., 1., 0., 1.]]

Text data

example preprocessing for text classification: counting words

Example: loading and preparing iris data

Example: loading data

iris = pd.read_csv(
    "" +
iris_measures = iris.iloc[:, :4].to_numpy()
iris_species = iris.iloc[:, 4].to_numpy()

Example: preparing data

encoder = LabelBinarizer()
iris_species_one_hot = encoder.transform(iris_species)
scaler = StandardScaler()
iris_measures_scaled = scaler.transform(iris_measures)
x = iris_measures_scaled
y = iris_species_one_hot

Model validation and selection

Train data and validation data

In order to verify the results of an algorithm:

Data are split into training data and test data / validation data

Train data and validation data

for iterative algorithms (e.g. neural networks in keras):

  • train data
  • test data (used during iterative training)
  • validation data (used for validating the final model)

for other alogirthms (e.g. sklearn):

  • train data
  • validation data or test data (used for validating the model)

Model validation and selection

To find the best model:

  • test multiple algorithms
  • test multiple parameters for the algorithm
  • test if more input data leads to better results

see Python Data Science Handbook → Hyperparameters and Model Validation → Selecting the Best Model

Basic validation metrics

Basic validation metrics

classification metrics:

  • accuracy
  • confusion matrix

regression metrics:

  • mean squared error
  • coefficient of determination (R²)

Basic classification metrics


a basket of fruits contains 10 apples, 10 oranges and 10 peaches

a classification algorithm yields these results:

  • classification of apples: 8 as apples, 0 as oranges, 2 as peaches
  • classification of oranges: 10 as oranges
  • classification of peaches: 1 as an apple, 0 as oranges, 9 as peaches

Basic classification metrics

accuracy: relative amount of correct classifications (in our example: 27/30=0.9)

confusion matrix: table of classifications for each category


Basic regression metrics

mean squared error

coefficient of determination (R²):

compares the mean squared error of the regression with the variance of the dataset

  • R²=1 - perfect interpolation
  • R²=0 - interpolation is no better than taking the average of all data
  • R²<0 - worse than taking the average of all data

Classification metrics

Classification metrics

  • accuracy metrics
    • accuracy
    • confusion matrix
  • metrics based on true/false positives/negatives
    • precision
    • recall
    • f-score
    • ROC and AUC
  • probabilistic metrics
    • cross entropy

Metrics based on true/false positives/negatives

binary classification: spam detection

  • true positive: a spam message is classified as spam
  • true negative: a regular message is classified as no spam
  • false positive: a regular message is classified as spam (type I error)
  • false negative: a spam message is classified as no spam (type II error)

Metrics based on true/false positives/negatives


60 regular messages, 40 spam messages

1 regular message is misclassified as spam

5 spam messages are misclassified as regular messages

precision = 35/36 = 0.97 (35 out of 36 messages that were classified as spam are actually spam)

recall = 35/40 = 0.88 (35 out of 40 spam messages were recognized as spam)

see also: precision and recall on Wikipedia

Metrics based on true/false positives/negatives

precision and recall have different relevance in different scenarios

example: when classifying emails as spam, precision is very important (avoiding classifying a regular email as spam)

Metrics based on true/false positives/negatives

f-score = harmonic mean of precision and recall

Metrics based on true/false positives/negatives

ROC (receiver operating characteristic)

= metric that represents true positives and false positives

a classification algorithm could be fine-tuned in respect to its true positives rate and false positives rate:

  • option 1: 60% true positives rate, 0% false positives rate
  • option 2: 70% true positives rate, 5% false positives rate
  • option 3: 80% true positives rate, 25% false positives rate
  • option 4: 90% true positives rate, 55% false positives rate
  • option 5: 95% true positives rate, 90% false positives rate

Metrics based on true/false positives/negatives

The ROC may be displayed as a curve; the bigger the area under the curve (AUC), the better the classification

Probabilistic metrics

cross entropy (log loss): measures how well a model of a probability distribution approximates the actual probability distribution

relevant for neural networks and logistic regression



possible problem for machine learning algorithms: The algorithm is too flexible and recognizes apparent patterns in the training data

Algorithms that are vulnerable to overfitting:

  • neural networks
  • polynomial regression
  • decision trees


visualization of an algorithm overfitting 2D data
Visualization of overfitting when categorizing 2D data (source: Chabacano via Wikimedia Commons / CC BY)

Overfitting - solutions

  • expand the set of learning data
  • reduce model flexibility (e.g. degree of the polynomial, size of a neural network / decision tree)
  • randomly disable some neuron outputs during learning (dropout)
  • combining multiple decision trees (random forest)
  • "penalize" large coefficients in polynomial regression (L2- and L1-regulatization)

for polynomial regression see: Data Science Handbook - Regularization

Example: iris validation in scikit-learn

Example: iris validation in scikit-learn

manual train-test split:

rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=1)

random_indexes = rng.permutation(x.shape[0])
# e.g. [65, 44, 22, 133, 47, ...]

x_train = x[random_indexes[:120]]
y_train = y[random_indexes[:120]]

x_test = x[random_indexes[120:]]
y_test = y[random_indexes[120:]]

Example: iris validation in scikit-learn

automated train-test split via scikit-learn:

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x, y)

Example: iris validation in scikit-learn

validation based on test data:

from sklearn import metrics

y_pred = model.predict(x_test)
score = metrics.accuracy_score(y_pred, y_test)
print("accuracy:", score)

Iris classification in scikit-learn - complete

Iris classification - complete

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import (
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
from sklearn import metrics

# loading data

iris = pd.read_csv(
    "" +
iris_measures = iris.iloc[:, :4].to_numpy()
iris_species = iris.iloc[:, 4].to_numpy()

# preparing data

encoder = LabelBinarizer()
iris_species_one_hot = encoder.transform(iris_species)

scaler = StandardScaler()
iris_measures_scaled = scaler.transform(iris_measures)

X = iris_measures_scaled
Y = iris_species_one_hot

# train-test-split

X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split(X, Y)

# training

model = KNeighborsClassifier(), Y_train)

# validation

Y_prediction = model.predict(X_test)
score = metrics.accuracy_score(Y_prediction, Y_test)
print("accuracy:", score)

# predicting further species

new_iris_data = [
    [5.3, 3.4, 1.9, 0.6],
    [6.0, 3.0, 4.7, 1.5],
    [6.5, 3.1, 5.0, 1.7]
new_iris_predictions = model.predict(
print("prediction data:")
predicted_labels = encoder.inverse_transform(
print("predicted labels:")