React course topics
React slides
React basics
usually 2 days
Development of modern front-end applications
- overview and similarities of React, Vue and Angular
- declarative rendering and state
- components - defining custom HTML tags
- initializing a React project via create-react-app
JavaScript basics for React (as needed)
- development with node.js and npm
- JavaScript versions and features
- modules (import and export)
- arrow functions
- functional programming in JavaScript
- data managemant without mutations
TypeScript basics for React
- static vs dynamic typing
- declaring types of variables, functions and classes
- basic data types
- types and interfaces
- generics
Managing state in React
- declarative rendering
- managing component state via the state hook
- capturing the content of input elements in the state
Template language
- JSX: React's JavaScript-based template language
- setting element content and props
- event handlers
- repeating elements
- if / else
- CSS classes and styles
- including existing components
- component libraries for React
- custom component definition
- props and events in custom components
- prop, event and state types in TypeScript
- data flow between components
- inspecting components via the React developer tools
Class components
- defining components via functions or via classes
- JavaScript: "this" and its quirks
- state in class components
- props and events in class components
Querying APIs from React
- sending HTTP requests via fetch
- using the effect hook to trigger HTTP requests
React router
- displaying different views based on the route
- nested routes
- route parameters
React intermediate
usually 1 day
React tools and libraries
- styling libraries
- form libraries
- external and custom hooks (e.g. react-query)
- context: sharing values across a component tree
State management with reducers
- overview of state management
- state management with reducers and pure functions
- using the reducer hook in React
- overview of state management with Redux
Testing and component demos
- component demos with storybook
- testing JavaScript code with Jest
- end-to-end tests with JavaScript
- testing React components with react-testing-library
- snapshot tests
App development with React
- Progressive Web Apps: creating installable mobile and desktop apps
- overview of React Native
Performance optimization and pre-rendering
- React developer tools profiler
- React.memo (memoized component renderings)
- callback hook (memoized callbacks / event handlers)
- memo hook (memoized derived values)
Pre-Rendering und next.js
- static site generation
- server-side rendering
- code splitting
React and Redux
usually 1 day
Redux basics
- state management with reducers
- state management in Redux
- setting up a Redux store with Redux toolkit
- using the Redux devtools
React and Redux
- integrating Redux with React
- Redux hooks
- container components
Redux in practice
- splitting / combining reducers
- actions in detail
- asynchronous actions and data fetching via Thunk
- action creators
- Redux and TypeScript
Helper functions
- createAction
- createReducer
- createSlice
Selectors and memoization
Redux ecosystem
- overview of the Redux ecosystem
- middleware
React and GraphQL
usually half a day
Overview of GraphQL
- use cases of GraphQL
- simple GraphQL examples
- GraphQL vs REST
- GraphQL compared to SQL
- GraphiQL explorer
GraphQL basics
- parametric queries
- mutations
- data types
GraphQL clients
- GraphQL from pure JavaScript
- Apollo client
- Apollo client and React