Vue is a frontend framework for web applications. It is simpler than the main alternatives Angular and React, but has just as much functionality. In a short time, Vue has become one of the most starred project on GitHub. Vue 3, released in 2020, features the new composition API, which brings ideas from React's hooks concept to Vue in a simple way.
In this training participants will learn the basics that are common to all frontend frameworks (like Vue or React), and the the specific features and mechanisms of Vue. At the end they are able to implement applications of various complexity with Vue while adhering to best practices.
Experience with HTML and JavaScript
Development of modern front-end applications
Overview and similarities of Vue, React and Angular
Declarative rendering
Components - defining custom HTML tags
Initializing a Vue project via Vue CLI
JavaScript basics for Vue (as needed)
Development with node.js and npm
JavaScript versions
Modules (import and export)
Arrow functions
this in object methods
Vue basics
State and declarative rendering
Working with data, methods and computed
Template language
Binding properties
CSS classes
if / else if / else
Repeating elements
Two-way-binding for inputs
Including existing components
Overview of component libraries for Vue
Creating custom components
Data flow between components (props and events)
Inspecting components via the Vue devtools
Composition API
Comparison of the traditional options API and the new composition API
State in the composition API (ref and reactive)
Props and events in the composition API
Side effects
Using lifecycle hooks, watchEffect and watch for side effects